International Women's Day 2024
Nurturing Talent and Gender Inclusivity in Tech

Nurturing Talent and Gender Inclusivity in Tech

Cadmus is dedicated to empowering women and fostering inclusivity in the tech sector. Our Technology and Innovation Services Group (TISG), Cadmus’ center of excellence for data and analytics, supports all company divisions, leveraging cross-company teams to enhance our technical capabilities and expand analytics services company-wide.

The lack of gender diversity in the industry poses significant challenges for internal staffing. Recognizing the power of diversity in driving innovation, we prioritize creating an inclusive learning environment where underrepresented groups can thrive. TISG’s data literacy initiative, launched in 2022, aims at removing entry barriers in order to promote diversity in the tech field.

Instead of assuming background knowledge on the concepts and jumping into procedural steps, our courses emphasize understanding the ‘why’ behind the technical approach. By focusing on the why, creating a space for questions, and offering new opportunities, data literacy grows our staff skills and participation from women and other underrepresented groups.

Ana Rosner

“I draw my motivation in part from personal experience. When I was studying computer science in college, I often found myself among two other women in a class of 60. While I could keep up with new material as well as other students, missing background knowledge sometimes added extra hurdles, which was daunting to admit. At Cadmus, I aim to break down those barriers for other women starting out in tech and give everyone the opportunity to ask questions and discover new skill areas where they’ll thrive.”

Ana Rosner 
Lead Data Scientist, Technology & Innovation Science Group